Dental AI Receptionist

Book More Appointments With A 24/7 AI Receptionist

Save time, reduce costs, and enhance patient satisfaction with our AI-driven receptionist system for Canadian Dental practitioners. Focus more on what truly matters—your patients.

Canadian PMS Integration

Real-Time Scheduling

Automated Reminders

Insurance Checks

24/7 Availability

PHIPA Compliant


Integrations with Canadian Patient Management Systems

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14 Missed Calls?
That's atleast 3 additional appointments.

Imagine an AI-powered receptionist that sounds like a human and is available every second of the day.

Meet Susan

You can call her whatever name you like.
Her only job is to help you run your practice even better.

An illustration of a audio wave representing the dental ai receptionist
Calendar showing appointments

Maximize Your Bookings

Ensure your calendar is booked to the max with Susan working overtime to make sure that all those in need of service are booked in.

Day view showing appointments.

Decrease No Shows, Increase Engagement

Calling your patients in advance to confirm their bookings is an easy way to make sure they remember to show up. Leave it to Susan to not just call and confirm appointments but also drop a text afterwards for feedback.

Insurance Providers

Offload Time-Consuming Tasks

Getting on a call with an insurance company is a mind-draining and time-consuming task. Susan can be directed at anytime to call an insurance company and retreive benefit details of your patient.

PHIPA logo

Privacy First

Smile Dial is 100% compliant with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), ensuring that every interaction and data exchange meets stringent security standards.

Don’t let your competitors take your patients. Deploy SmileDial in 4 easy steps to stay ahead of the curve.
  1. Experience SmileDial Firsthand

    Schedule a no-obligation demo to see how SmileDial can streamline your dental office operations with zero risk involved.

  2. Tailored for Your Needs

    We'll develop a personalized pricing plan that fits your practice's size and needs, ensuring transparency and fairness with no hidden costs.

  3. Effortless Setup
    Absolutely Risk Free

    Our team takes care of all the integration details, ensuring SmileDial fits perfectly into your existing systems with no disruption or effort on your part.

  4. Risk-Free Exploration

    Start your month long free trial with no cost. Evaluate SmileDial at your own pace and decide if you want to continue with no obligation.

Cedarbrae Dental Center based out of Toronto, Ontario is among the first adopters of Smile Dial. They have deployed Susan as an after hours receptionist, a periodic recaller, and an insurance benefits verifier.

illustrator of a quatation mark

Ever since we started using Smile Dial at Cedarbrae Dental Center, we've noticed a real difference. On average, we're seeing about 13 more patients every month. Having Susan available as our after-hours receptionist means we're always there for our patients, no matter the hour. It's seriously boosted how efficiently we operate and our patients have never been happier. It's hard to even remember how we managed before.



Ready to fill your calendars?


For Dentists, By Dentists

Powering Canada's top dental practices with 24/7 AI-driven patient communication and administrative support. Never miss an opportunity to connect with your patients.



© 2024 SmileDial HealthTech Inc. - Toronto, Canada